Haruki Murakami’s World of Classical Music
With support from

Owing to an overwhelming response, all tickets of “Swire Classic Insights: Haruki Murakami’s World of Classical Music” concert have been distributed. Thank you for supporting the HK Phil! We look forward to presenting more exciting events for you in the future. |
Haruki Murakami, considered by many to be Japan’s finest contemporary author, makes many references to classical music in his works. This concert presentation will feature music that Murakami has intricately woven into his novels, from Norwegian Wood to 1Q84. This unique talk and performance will show how listening to these musical selections can enhance the emotional impact of Murakami’s writing and treat fans of the Japanese author with a re-imagined classical playlist from his works.
Concert runs approximately 2 hours with an intermission.
Swire Classic Insights is a series of free concerts with programmes designed thematically to introduce different works of music. Through on-site commentaries by experts and musicians, performances in the series provide the audience with a unique music appreciation experience.
Public registration starts from 12 OCT 2021 (Tue), 3pm. Please re-visit this webpage again to register for your ticket(s) at the time specified.
Due to an overwhelming response, registration quota is full. Thank you for your support to the Swire Classic Insights!
- All audience members are required to scan the "LeaveHomeSafe" QR code or register their name, contact number, and date and time of visit before entering the venue
- Audience members who opt for registering their personal information at the scene are reminded to arrive earlier or download the Personal Information Registration Form in advance to avoid delay in admission
- Temperature checks are done at designated entrances. Masks must be worn throughout the venue and the concert hall
- Use the disinfectant dispensers and always maintain social distancing
- Due to social distancing seating arrangements, some seats in the Amphitheatre will be left empty and adjacent seats may be assigned to other audience members. Please be seated according to instructions from venue ushers
- Separate seats may be arranged in case of overwhelming response
- Persons with fever, symptoms of illness, and those who have been in contact with COVID-19 patients within the last 14 days should not attend the performance
- The HK Phil / Venue reserves the right to deny entry, or to require anyone to leave if, in their opinion, the above-mentioned instructions have not been observed. The HK Phil reserves all rights of final arbitration in case of dispute
- No eating and drinking
- No photography, recording or filming
- Please turn off your mobile phone and other electronic devices
- Please keep noise to a minimum during the performance
- Please reserve your applause until the end of the entire work